Concierge Day Training

Let the experts lay the foundation for a happy, well behaved future with your pup. We’ll train in and around your home, where real life happens!

Dogs and pet parents benefit from the timing and knowledge a professional trainer can provide. Our certified instructors will teach your dog amidst your everyday life, while you're away or while you watch. Multiple weekly training sessions will establish and strengthen behaviors, creating long term success!

The program consists of 3 visits per week for 4 weeks, with a transfer session at the end to go over everything your pup has learned. Visits are about 45 minutes each, and occur between 9:00am and 3:00pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

An initial appointment is required to meet you and your dog, discuss goals, and form a training plan. Weekly recaps will be emailed, including a breakdown of new behaviors, homework for the weekend, and informational handouts as necessary.